Monday, August 18, 2008

You Figure It Out.........

Let's Have Chineese...
An unnamed zillionaire Chinese businessman won an online auction by bidding over $2 million for a lunch in New York City with investor legend Warren Buffett. Sopunds good right? Upon learning that the lunch would be at the well-known steakhouse, Smith and Wollensky, he reneged on his bid, explaining that he thought the lunch would be a buffet.

You Have Been Pre-Appropved......
While economists and pundits and Average Joe's debate the U.S. credit crunch, a six-year-old boy in Illinois, Bennett Christensen, amused himself by accurately completing an application for a credit card. He listed his date of birth as 2002 (correctly) and claimed income of zero dollars (also correct). His application was swiftly approved with a credit limit of $600. Hey - you gotta start some time.

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