The United States Postal Service is currently soliciting Requests for Proposals from communications agencies to provide communication services to the public, employees, and the media. The USPS proposal clearly states that the successful contractor must be able to handle crisis communications. Who says that no planning occurs at USPS?
Ever seen a Request For Proposal and still wonder what the customer or prospective customer really wants or means? If so, you’ll admire the detail of a bid from San Francisco’s Office of Contract Administration for mowing and brush clearing at the city’s Laguna Honda Hospital. Here are the specs verbatim:
“Clear brush, shrubs, plants, weeds from 22 acres of property
at Laguna Honda Hospital Blvd. Clearing must be performed
by goats and supervised by goatherders who will stay on site
with the goats to monitor cutting activity, moving fences, and
goats. This price to include all transportation, fencing, monitoring,
herders, and all other charges pertaining to proper care and
handling of these animals. The city to be held harmless for any
loss of goats, theft or otherwise. Open space, there are no
electrical fences or enclosures.”
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