Don't you need to know how to read and write in order to get a law degree???
A USA federal Judge recently reduced an attorney’s fee request from $180,000 to less than $26,000 after reading a three-page document from the lawyer that was full of misspellings and other errors. Among the misspellings: “Ubited States,” “attoreys,” “plaintf,” and
“reasonbale.” The lawyer argued that he forgot to use spell-checking software.
The Best Lawsuit Ever !!!
One Senior partner at one of America’s largest law firms is threatening the ultimate law suit. It would be based on the contention that “being male” is a legally-recognized disability. Men have a shorter life expectancy than women and have a testosterone level that predisposes them to more aggressive behavior, or so the argument goes.
One Senior partner at one of America’s largest law firms is threatening the ultimate law suit. It would be based on the contention that “being male” is a legally-recognized disability. Men have a shorter life expectancy than women and have a testosterone level that predisposes them to more aggressive behavior, or so the argument goes.
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