What will have to be considered for "Headline of the Year" will have to be this doozy: “Security Blunders Dumber Than Dog Snot,” which emanates from an August 17, 2010 web page of CSO Magazine (Chief Security Officer).
Roger Johnson, a member of the "vulnerability assessment team" at respected Argonne National Laboratory describes three all too common problems:
1. People forgetting to lock the door.
2. People too stupid to be helped.
3. Otherwise intelligent people who fail to exploit their abilities for the betterment of security.
OK, so what, and so what's up with that headline? Johnson watched his dogs repeatedly crash themselves against a picture window facing the yard when they wanted to chase a squirrel. Hence, most of his windows wrere covered in.......wait for it......dog snot.
He also notes that:
1. Most security cameras fail to prevent crime because poor resolution causes security personnel to miss important things.
2. The assumption that low-level employees are harmless and are seldom asked about their activities.
3. That overlooked insider threats are often sparked by poor HR policies.
4. Both employees and contractors can be bribed by offering them money to do bad things.
Enlightening as dog snot!
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