It occurs to me that your experience is critically tied to your expectations. And in some ways I think people expect too much these days. Reasonable expectations are valid and determined by the mores of the day. If you see great customer service in action ----- you come to expect that. And likewise, if you see bad customer service ----- you tend to expect more of the same.
And whether you realize it or not, you have certain expectations from great brands.
You don't expect the same cornering from a Chevy Geo as you would from a Porsche Cayman. A Kit Kat bar doesn't taste like Godiva. Whatever is inside that Tiffany box will likley be better than the sack from Sears. The shoes from Cole Hahn feel better than a pair of loafers from Payless. And that $2 Starbucks should be better than the no name office coffee.
Point is, you help shape the expectations of all the brands you come in contact with, along with millions of others. And expectations are always built in to the advertising and promotions for brands (good ones and bad ones) perceptionally and in reality.
What are your expectations, and what brands have let you down lately?
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