Much as been written by unimpressed clients who question both the cost and performance of their chosen advertising agencies. However, until March 2009, seemingly little has been documented about how advertising agencies view their relationships with key clients. Published on March 25, 2009 by Scan International --- their in depth report is entitled “A Global Voice for Marketing Agency Leaders”. It truly reflects frustration on the part of agency executives. Asked to rate clients regarding compensation for the value created for clients, the feedback was:
─ Excellent 3%
─ Average 49%
─ Weak 49%
Among the most significant feedback: when asked to rate the most important areas for improvement of client performance with agencies, 56% of the 619 executives polled said “strategic direction and briefings.” It just goes to show you that more and more unskilled clients expect an agency to formulate competitive differentiation and other strategic issues. In reality, most of those issues involve long standing corporate culture and company histrionics and should be formulated by the cient.
The agency’s key role should always remain ------sterling execution.
The full report can be viewed at: http://www.scaninternational.com/download/pdf/SCAN%202009%20Europe-North%20America%20Client%20Survey%20Press%20Release.pdf
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