I'm NOT a big fan of those ads that are so unoriginal that they have to resort to tired old cliches'. They're NOT funny, NOT current, and very much NOT creative.
If you rely on cliche' to make your point --- chances are your point could be made better in another way. Work a little harder and figure it out.
Notice: I've avoided cliche' in this post like a snowball in a rainstorm.
nutty as a fruitcake
cut no ice
there are two sides to every question
"If wishes were horses than beggars could ride"
tear to shreds
It takes two to tango
see eye to eye
false alarm
sweep the series
youthful folly
clean as a whistle
in cold blood
see eye to eye
hanging fire
quick as lightning
unwritten law
short and sweet
pull my leg
of mice and men
go for the kill
cat's pajamas
a charmed life
turn the tables
quick as a wink
it would be a black day in hell
If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck...
between you and me and bedpost